Larry Ingber
The “Ivy League Killer” out of prison after forty years, looking to rebuild his life, find the money that his lawyer stole, and perhaps find some kind of redemption.
Betsy Hull
the good woman who tries to save Larry and find herself
Jonathan Klein
“The Redheaded Doggie” from Camp Mooncliff, saved from drowning by Larry forty years ago, who comes back into Larry’s life
Derek Ellison
Larry’s young friend who betrays him … and then becomes something more than a friend
Roland Elias
Betsy’s landlord and owner of the antique store on City Island that becomes the center of Larry’s new life.
Lester Mantell
Larry’s “excellent new lawyer” – now missing with Larry’s legacy money
Kelly Mott
in charge of Clemency USA’s Gateway Program, Larry’s guide back into his new life
Kenneth Fusco
Larry’s parole officer and nemesis
Janice Ko
Klein’s brainy traveling assistant and a key friend to Larry
Brian Halliwell
Jonathan Klein’s protective right-hand man, “Mr. Pinstripe”
Myles Pritchard
Klein’s muscle in the Bahamas
Diana Pritchard
Myles’ inquisitive daughter
Ed Nyquist
Clemency USA’s head of legal affairs, in charge of the pursuit of Mantell
Sammy Zambrano
A fellow ex-con in the same halfway house as Larry who tries to entice him into a life of crime and easy money
Bob Jensen
Roland’s pompous financial and legal advisor
Roland’s ultra-practical visiting nurse
Gassim Khalidi
owner of the restaurant on City Island where Larry, Betsy, and Roland hang out
Charlie Wagner
owner of the restaurant Larry goes to work in
Ed Dempsey
a rival antique store owner in City Island
Freddie Pooch
an old, old friend of Larry’s
Charles Ellison
Derek’s distant father
Catherine Ellison
Derek’s doting mother
Rosemary Dandridge
Larry’s supervisor and mentor at Clemency USA
Linda Pirroux
Clemency USA’s head of public relations and media
Mike Rathbun and Gil Cuellar
the investigators from the Westchester DA’s office
Maria from Human Resources
a very young woman
Miranda Jakes
the TV journalist who gets a rare interview with the “Ivy League Killer”
Mark, the Cameraman
Miranda’s crew
Nate Edwards
supervisor of the Four Winds, the halfway house where Larry lives upon his release from prison
Javier Flores
Larry’s friend at work and commuting partner
Dae Park
a co-worker at Clemency
June Hackett
a big, big-hearted woman and minister
maker of the best shaved ice on the planet
Bob Marley T-shirt and Green Headband
two tough street kids
The Doggies
Harry Dornfeld, Matthew Gold, Artie Sanoff, Steve Dembicer
And kitchen workers at Charlie Wagner’s …